Moments Along the Canal

August 18, 2024

In this latest installment of my photography series, I’m sharing a selection of images captured during a walk along the Lachine Canal and through the Griffintown neighborhood of Montreal. This stroll presented countless spontaneous opportunities to capture the everyday life and unique moments that make these areas so visually interesting.

As I wandered through the streets armed with just a 135mm lens, I let the scenes unfold naturally, focusing on the candid details that often go unnoticed. From the simple play of light on the canal’s water to the textures and patterns reflected in the window of a street cafe, each photograph reflects the unplanned beauty found in the ordinary.

Moments Along the Canal: Street Photography in Lachine and Griffintown

Moments Along the Canal: Street Photography in Lachine and Griffintown

Moments Along the Canal: Street Photography in Lachine and Griffintown

Moments Along the Canal: Street Photography in Lachine and Griffintown

This collection is a celebration of the randomness of street photography—the unexpected compositions, the fleeting interactions between light and shadow, and the way the city reveals itself in layers as you move through it.